Friday, November 09, 2007

How The World Can Deal With China Regarding Taiwan

How The World Can Deal With China Regarding Taiwan

by: James Sullivan

When dealing with a Communist Country set in their ways like China, one must think in terms of strategy. World Politics is like a chess match and the goal of each country is to use its diplomatic movements to win the game and reach checkmate. Most people think the only way to deal with China threating to take over Taiwan is by sending military troops in to defend their freedom.

I on the other hand say we can use non violence and accomplish more through diplomacy then bloodshed. When evaluating China as a country, we must look at what they need and what they want and what they have as a nation. They need trade without it they can't build their war machine and reach their ultimate goal of most powerful nation status. They want to control the auto industry and become a more technological country so they can compete with the USA. They have one thing that appeals to Europe & USA's corporations and only one thing cheap sweat shop labor, no unions, low paid workers and no enviromental laws or regulations that ban them from making their products that they can ship back into Europe and the USA to sell for top dollar.

Europe & USA Corporations need to draw a line in who they will and won't deal with and dealing with China in business is like dealing with Devil himself. Actually now that the cold war is over Europe & the USA would benefit greatly by pulling out all their corporations in China and relocating them to Poland & Romania and other Eastern European countries. By doing that we free ourselfs from dealing with China and help the European Economy. Europe & USA would also weaken the Chinese economy by pulling out its corporation and moving them into Eastern Europe.

If we could get the cooperation of the corporations to move their business out of China and into Eastern Europe, we would put China's economy at the mercy of the world. While they are bitching about losing the trade and planning on appealing their case to the UN. Then we hit them right between the eyes with a curve ball and convince the EU to allow Taiwan to become part of the EU. That would allow Taiwan to be protected and have the same rights as the rest of the countries in the EU, it would also avoid the USA from ever having to send troops into Taiwan to defend them, because then the EU would be responsible for that.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Democracy Can Work In The Middle East

by: James Sullivan

The Middle East is the heart of the world. When we think of the Middle East we think of where
the world all began and where all the different religions evolved from. The countries of the Middle East are filled with ancient history and artifacts, it's where the Hinduisms Veda, the Muslims Koran, the Christians Bible and the Jews Torah all came from. It should be the most peaceful holy place on earth but unfortunately it is not. Most of the Middle East is filled with dictatorship and communist like governments that prevent a large part of the Middle East from enjoying their freedom and to be able to think for themselves, instead their governments tell them how to think. It is also filled with religious hate caused mostly by the religious radicals and fueled by the communist input in the dictatorship governments.

When God created man and woman he gave each of them a mind of their own, so they could worship him and think for themselves. But then came along a group of people who decided to create Communist Governments, where they would control the thoughts of others and not give the people of their country the right to live or think for themselves. They took away their freedoms and used fear, mind control and torture to scare the individuals of their country into submissive behavior, so they would be too afraid to overthrow their governments and create a Democracy.

Three countries come to mind where I believe highly intelligent people have allowed their governments to control their lives and take away their freedoms, they are China, Iran and Cuba. Most of the people that live in these dictatorship communist countries chose to run rather
than fight. They move to Europe, Canada and the USA to escape Communism and enjoy a life of Democracy.

Other Countries in the Middle East would benefit greatly from following in the footsteps of Iraq
and overthrowing their dictatorship communist governments and creating a democracy type government, where the people run their own governments and not the dictators.

Democracy does work, if you don't believe it look at Canada and the USA they are free countries that have many different races and religions living side by side and living in peace.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Message To Chinese President Hu Jintao

by: James Sullivan

Dear President Hu Jintao:

I read your 2006 New Years Address to the World , where you stated this year "China will have a strong commitment to striving for a peaceful international environment and promote world peace and advocate democracy in international relations and help developing countries accelerate development and help people suffering from war, poverty, illness and natural calamities in the world"

You forgot to mention that you will stop providing weapons of mass destruction to Al Qadea and suppporting terrorism in the Middle East, and financial support to North Korea and Iran for their development of mass destruction weapons and how you deprive the people of your own country freedom of religion and constantly threaten Tawain and kill innocent people in your own country on a daily bases under your communist dictatorship.

You also forgot to mention in your speech , that the PLA's main goal in the world is to overpower the USA and take over the most powerful nation status. If you don't know what I'm talking about remember the book your two senior colonels in the PLA Qiao
Liang and Wang Xiangsui wrote in their book "Unrestricted War' they took credit for the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City, claiming their book inspired the information Al Qadea needed to carry out their mission of destruction against the United States.

President Hu Jintao please be aware the rest of the world especially most of the people in the USA know you're real intentions in the world are not what you said in your 2006 New Years Speech and we will continue to spread Democracy around the world and defeat Communism.